his name is Sirius Mysterious.
(actually, i can't remember his middle name. but i call him sirius mysterious every time i see him.)
sirius is terrified of the vacuum. he always feels compelled to seek high ground.
he's always looking for snacks.
he sleeps. all the time.
one morning, when i got up to go to the bathroom, he thought it would be funny to sleep in our bed.
i kicked him out.
(after taking a picture, of course.)
silas is his favorite person in the world.
speaking of silas...i'd forgotten what he looks like without a beard! i'll have to get a recent photo so you can see the manliness thereof.
but he loves the boys, too.
i know i'm not the biggest dog person.
but that sirius....
he's all right.
Oh Sirius, you are a funny, and cute doggie