Thursday, December 20, 2012

figuring out my hair

so, now that i've had four days to get used to the cut, i think i can officially say that i'm happy with my hair.


the first day i had it cut, i felt amazing.  liberated, beautiful, awesome.

then i woke up the next morning, took a look at myself in the mirror and had my first "what did i just do" moment.  day 2 i was pretty iffy.  i didn't like how layered the back was--it was giving off a serious "mom hair" vibe.  (no offense, all other moms with hair.)  on day 2 i decided to cut it shorter and booked an appointment for saturday.

on day 3 i was still adjusting, but liking my cut more.  getting sort of bored of the "down and straight" look i'd been sporting.

day 4, i figured out a new way to style it,

no curling iron or straightener necessary.  add a little product, et voila.  blast it with a hair dryer for a minute if you want extra volume.

and decided that instead of cutting it even shorter, i was going to give it a month or two to let the back layers grow out a bit.  i cancelled my saturday appointment and vowed to buy some more cute headbands and stalk pixie-haired youtubers for styling inspiration.

desmond. my other hair muse.

i'm not really hair-savvy, but i know that having longer layers in the front gives me some room to play.  so i'm going to try to come up with some fun ways to style it.  ideas are welcome!

in the meantime, here's my slick look.


(i did not go out in public like this.)


  1. "no offense, all other moms with hair" hahahaha

    I LOVE that picture of Desmond! We should have a short-hair party. I need some inspiration too...I want to know how to make it spiky! Messy! Wild! It just seems to want to curl out or lay flat. Lame.

    1. Short hair party! When? The childrens can play while we watch YouTube videos and figure out our hair.

  2. i looooove it. i love the last one. so chic!

    1. Thanks! I sent Silas a picture of my hair all slicked, as a joke, and he actually said he liked it! I was surprised.

  3. You look like a French model in the last one. So cute and I love it and I'm SO PROUD OF YOU!! ;)
