Wednesday, August 8, 2012

baby[face], baby[steps]

pest control just came by.

when tesla and i answered the door, he asked if "the parents" were home.

"actually, i'm the, uh, parent," was my eloquent reply.

on a more random note, we made apple muffins this morning!

i'm trying to be better at letting the boys help.  obviously it's easier (and neater) for me to do the cooking myself, but why deny them a learning opportunity?

i read somewhere that a great way to involve children when you're cooking is to add extra, unnecessary step.

my original idea was to measure out all of the ingredients into separate bowls and have the boys help combine them.

yeah, no.  it was 7:30 am.  and i'm not on food network.

but i did place the chopped apples into the bowl and let the boys mix them in.  then they put the liners into the muffin pan and helped me scoop the batter in.

i was a little stingy with the "turns" i gave them and scooped most of the batter myself...

but it's a step in the right direction.  


1 comment:

  1. I am really impressed by the responsibility in helping I saw when we came by to babysit last night.

    BTW- enjoy and treasure and protect your baby face and skin :) you lucky girl you
